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Bern Down for What?

February 22nd 2016  - Lanxin Jiang

Who ever expected that a 71 year-old defiant senator from Vermont, one of America’s least populated states, could challenge Hillary Clinton, a prominent figure in American politics, to the presidential throne?


It was true that Senator Bernie Sanders was not as favoured, or overpowering as Ms. Clinton during the early stages of the presidency campaign. However, his recent major win in New Hampshire against Ms. Clinton seems to have changed the course of the 2016 election.


Born in 1941 in Brooklyn, New York, Bernie Sanders first served as the mayor of Burlington, Vermont. Under his steady leadership, Burlington became one of America’s most habitable cities. Residents of Burlington enjoyed more affordable housing, tax benefits, child care, and women’s rights than many large American cities. This ultimately lead to him being elected into the American Senate in 2006.


For many American voters, Mr. Sanders seems to be a reliable choice. Unlike Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders is far more pragmatic. More importantly, what he says make sense. Throughout his political career, Bernie Sanders has “stayed true to what he believes in”, commented by a 18 year-old Iowan Sanders fan.


In 1991, he voted against the use of military force in the Gulf War under the Bush Administration. His reasoning was, “I have a real fear that the region is not going to be more peaceful or more stable after the war.”


24 years later, Americans (and the entire world) are experiencing the terrible aftermath of massive terrorist acts and the Syrian refugee crisis. Some even blame America for the root of the crisis in the Middle East. By refusing to accept any Syrian refugees, America’s face value has definitely been affected on the international stage.


In 1993, Bernie Sanders voted against the North American Free Trade Agreement under the Clinton Administration. He said that if this agreement was passed, then it would be even easier for American companies to profit from hiring Mexican workers at extremely low wages.


Is it really ethical for Americans, who proudly label their nation as a free land with “justice and equality,” to make money off of people who are already suffering; Not only from a distorted government infested with corruption, but one with close ties to drug gangs as well?


In 1996, Senator Sanders voted against the Defense of Marriage Act, which denied federal benefits to same-sex couples. At the time, he was only one of 67 votes against this motion. Seventeen years later, this bill was finally removed under the Obama Administration, and same-sex couples finally received the equality they deserved.


Unlike many politicians, Mr. Sanders is more of an individualist/socialist/leftist; A persistent one too.

During his campaign, Mr. Sanders has gained both financial and public support that is strong enough to match Ms. Clinton’s team of billionaires, and celebrities like Steven Spielberg and Lena Dunham.


Both Seth MacFarlane, creator of Family Guy, and Sarah Silverman, the sharp-tongued stand-up comedian, have endorsed Mr. Sanders in front of large public events. He may not have a team of billionaires who are willing to give him $28 million, but he does have a massive group of middle-class Americans who are willing to give him $26.2 million; A very similar circumstance to Obama’s 2008 election.


There were many highlights and highly active figures during the presidential campaigns. After experiencing dramatic movements and speeches from candidates such as Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, it seems like Americans might be settling down for someone who has practical things in hand.


Feel the Bern, Trump.

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