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The Destruction of Hurricane Mattew

During a 12 day period that seemed like an eternity for some, the deadly hurricane that has travelled from the Caribbean into the United States. Hurricane Matthew, a category 4 hurricane, travelling with winds up to 172 km per hour, has killed almost a whopping 900 people.

Haiti has suffered the most damage, as Matthew has left at least 877 people dead. Many diseases prevailed, cholera, a disease that caused severe vomiting and diarrhea was one of the worst. This number is expected to rise as the services reach more isolated areas of the country. It has also killed at least 19 people in the United States. 7 have been killed in North Carolina, 4 in Florida, 3 in Georgia, and one in South Carolina. Matthew has left approximately 340000 people without power in Florida. North Carolina has been completely flooded due to the severity of the storm.

Hurricane Matthew started off near the Windward Islands, on September 28. It went on to travel from the Caribbean to the Southeast US. On October 9, 2016, it moved away from the coastline of the States, and has been labelled as a post tropical cyclone, although experts say that it is still as, if not more, dangerous. It is predicted to weaken significantly over the next two days, although the tropical moisture from the storm will likely reach Canada’s maritime provinces and cause large amounts of rainfall.

Ishleen Sudan
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