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3 Essential Tips to Help You Learn Any Language You Want Fast

Sarah Abdulaziz

    I have always found languages to be beautiful.


    Having learned to speak four languages apart from my mother tongue- some of them quite proficiently, and others at a more late elementary level - I genuinely suspect that we all speak different variations of the same language. Although the languages of the world appear to have obvious differences from one another, they still seem to be surprisingly similar in their ability to articulate one’s thoughts, and not to mention that each of them have their own unique personality. Getting to speak another language is, without a doubt, an immensely rewarding experience.


    However, despite all the advantages that come along with the knowledge of another language, there is one inevitable step that all who wish to do so need to go through: the actual learning process of the foreign language. It is generally envisioned as an arduous process that may take up years to even get close to completion, but, I’d like to let you in on a little secret I’ve come across: It is entirely possible to learn a language in hours, and certainly not years. Down below, I’ve written three essential tips to help you learn whichever language you want- and quickly, too:

  1. Find a motivation to make you want to learn

    Guys, I cannot stress about this tip enough. You have to make sure you’re doing this for the right reasons. Not for personal glory, or to make it a numbers game of how many languages you can speak. These factors will hardly motivate you in the long run. You should be striving for fluency because you are passionate about the country and culture. Learning a language takes a lot of time and involvement. Without passion for your chosen language, it will be very difficult  to find the drive required to work towards your goal.


    2.   Work smart, not hard

     Trying to master everything at once will not result in you feeling progress. I’ve once heard someone say, “Everything I put time into required me to ask the question, ‘will this help me speak more Spanish with someone I may meet today, rather than ‘will this help improve my general Spanish a little bit?’”. This kind of thinking had really reasoned with the points I want to make. Do you really have to learn ALL conjugations known in your target language? Of course not. How about focusing on various conversation starters? Definitely. After all, languages are meant to be communication tools, and you’d like to be able to speak at the end of the day, no?


    3.   Immerse yourself in what the language has to offer

     It can be television shows, songs, or even children’s books in that language! I know that I am not the only one guilty of this, but have you ever felt a small triumph when watching a film in your target language and actually understood what the characters were saying? Yeah. That’s the small victory I’m talking about. With English subtitles on, one could really use a film to help reinforce words they’ve learnt.

    Now, try applying these principles to your language-learning! Remember: If you’re committed, consistent, and passionate about learning the language, there’s really no reason for you not to succeed. Happy language-learning!

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