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The Liberals Are In and Changes Are Coming

November 1st 2015  - Eruj Hotay


Following his late father’s footsteps, Justin Trudeau has become the new Prime Minister of Canada. In the months before the election, Trudeau was an unlikely candidate as he was considered too young and too inexperienced; now, at age 43, he is the second youngest Prime Minister in Canadian history. Subsequently, plaguing the minds of all, are his plans for our future. Though he may be the best looking leader our nation has ever had, do we really know the implications of his platform for the long run?



“It’s time for a change in this country my friends. A real change,” said Trudeau in his victory speech on October 19 after winning the election. Beyond the statement's theatrical appeal, what does this “change” constitute? Standing in a Toronto grocery store, the ever-charismatic Trudeau announces his first piece of legislation. The liberal government will encourage parliament to decrease taxes for the middle class and increase taxes for the wealthiest Canadians just as promised in his campaign. Canadians earning a taxable income of between $44,700 and $89,401  will save $670 per person every year or $ 1,340 for a two income household. To pay for this, Trudeau is planning on increasing the taxes to 33 percent for those who earn incomes of $200 000 or more annually. He believes that putting more money in the hands of middle class families will inspire and advance the Canadian economy. Furthermore,Trudeau has promised the largest new infrastructure investment in Canadian history. This policy would nearly double the federal spending on public transportation, affordable housing, recreational facilities and other features to almost $125 billion over the next decade. He has also pledged to make uniting Canadians with family from other countries much easier. “A liberal government will make family reunification at the core of its immigration policy,” he says. He has promised to lower the wait time for bringing parents and grandparents to Canada from 5-6 years down to 4 years.



Although Trudeau’s future vision for Canada seems extremely idealistic, some of his propositions have been controversial. "Canada's current system of marijuana prohibition does not work,” stated the Liberals. In Trudeau’s venture to legalize marijuana, professionals say that he will have access to a world-class marijuana framework set up under the Conservatives government. The Liberals have pledged to legalize and regulate the recreational use of marijuana, emphasis on the word regulate. The Liberal election platform said, “We will remove marijuana consumption and incidental possession from the Criminal Code and create new, stronger laws to punish more severely those who provide it to minors, those who operate a motor vehicle while under its influence and those who sell it outside of the new regulatory framework.” For this, only time will tell if the regulations and harsher punishments for the misuse and the provision to minors of marijuana will deter the black market for marijuana.



Justin Trudeau plans to change Canada for the better, not unlike any other Prime Minister Canada has seen. However, his overwhelmingly present willingness to listen to the concerns of his country may set him apart. In his exhilarating victory speech on election night, Justin Trudeau said, “I hope it is an inspiration to like-minded people to step up and pitch in. To get involved in the public life of this country. And know that a positive, optimistic, hopeful vision of public life isn’t a naive dream. It can be a powerful force for change.” We can only bide our time now and see how well Trudeau delivers.


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